Almost ready to start placing posts on the new Word Press site for this blog.
I have spent a lot of time learning Word Press and the Thesis theme that I am using and the learning curve was very steep. In the midst of that my entire plumbing system is being re-done so that it is inside and not running directly under my floors and hovering over the Columbia River.
It's not been a very noisy process but it has needed my attention in terms of cosmetic planning - i.e. where do the pipes go? After they are all connected and tested - some kind of artistic cover will be built to hide them from view. My neighbors are full of good suggestions for that part of the project.
The pipes are actually plastic tubing that gets put together much like tinker toys and I now know much about this new kind of plumbing...
And early next year I will be offering local classes on parenting, aging and losing one's identity
with retirement or job loss. These will happen through
MindGlo, a new Portland business.
So it's been a month of teaching and learning - not how I imagined my older age to be at all - but I am very happy with the way my brain is still going full steam ahead...