Monday, August 18, 2008

Mothers and Flashbacks

My mother was born in August and died in August - so maybe that's why I have been having random flashbacks about her of late.

We used to speak on the phone most every Sunday and yesterday I had the urge to call her. I know she is dead - but wow was that a strong feeling...even after 7 years.

It was like after my father died, I'd be visiting my mother and I'd say something like - aren't we going to wait til dad comes home before we eat?

Maybe I'm odd - after all I was the one stepping over a space on the floor after my old cat died..I was sure she was there and underfoot. It was even weirder though when my dog also stepped over that same spot....

Or maybe we are wired to still see, hear and feel those people and pets who were once close to us...


BoggyWoggy said...

After my grandmother, Ma-maw Boggs, died a few years ago, I'd call her number, hoping she'd answer. I memorized it when I was only 3 and still have it burned in my brain 42 years later. She was the best woman in the entire world and I miss her everyday.
Thanks for the wonderful writing today!

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D. said...

Hi and thank you.

It's good to know my dog and I are not the only ones who experience these ideas and behaviors.
