Thursday, August 21, 2008


If you have been reading this blog you know I harp on obesity - it's bad and getting worse - for adults and for kids..

A new report came out this week which indicates that obesity rates have increased in 37 states! And in more than half of the states - more than 25% of the adults are now obese...

The worst state? Mississippi - where 31.7% are obese. The best is Colorado where only 18.4 % are obese. But to my way of thinking - even 18% is bad; there is nothing good about being obese.

Full article here so you can see where your state falls on the scale:

And the problem is increasing every year. We have not been able to convince people that super sizing and lack of activity are bad for them.

A good sized meal is one that is about the size of your fist! That's sufficient fuel for your body - unless you are Michael Phelps and swimming in the Olympics! But it isn't just how much you eat - it's what.

I've never seen the research on this but I am a firm believer that the obesity problem parallels the low fat no fat "matters" that went on sale. The more we eat of those chemical laden "matters" the fatter we are getting and the more health problems we are having. I have a rule of thumb when reading ingredients - if it sounds like a chemical or I can't even pronounce it - I don't buy it.. All those "matters" [I can't honestly call them food] need chemicals to give them some taste so you'll keep buying them.

Think about it - we have diseases and health problems that are either new or on the increase. Fybromyalgia, asthma, obesity, varieties of diabetes, auto immune system problems, etc. And in my head - the increase in these parallels the loss of food in our food.

I don't want to eat a tomato or peach that ripened in a truck nor do I want food that is grown large to look good for sales but has no nutrition left.

This is a very alarming trend and one that is increasing - that in spite of ads and articles about exercising and eating well.. How will this affect the aging process. We already know how obesity affect our children ? and our own bodies? ...

It's scary as no one seems to really be paying attention....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn for connecting on Big Life!
Love the direction you are taking (and the pics of your river). I've turned 60 but feel 35 inside. Unfortunately my body tells me I'm not 35 at times.
Hopefully I can read you often and learn to be "like fine wine" although my coaching niche is working with people affected by addictions!
Enjoyed your blog!!