Monday, April 23, 2007

Women and pay

There is a new study out that tells us one year out of college - women earn 80 cents for every dollar men earn...

Ok - so people see that and go - well 20 cents isn't that bad

What the headlines do not say is that 10 years out - the 80 cents becomes 69 cents!

So women in the work force - if you have been working 10 years or more - you make 31 cents an hour less than your male counterpart - for equivalent jobs and responsibilities!

These figures have been pretty bad as far back as I can remember. And as one who was denied jobs solely because I was a female - I decided that I would work for me - and have done so with a few scattered attempts at working for others....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great point. Women have always earned less. Ironically, we also pay more for lots of things: haircuts, dry cleaning, etc.